Privacy Policies

Hello, Wonderful People of PulsePoint Path!

We're thrilled to have you with us. Your privacy and trust are paramount, and we're committed to protecting your personal information with the warmth and respect you deserve.

As we embark on this journey together, please know that by using our website, accessing our resources, and continuing to engage with us, you're consenting to the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy.

It's all part of our commitment to keep your details safe and your experience positive, in compliance with Texas state law.

If you are ready to take your health tech company to the next level, apply to PulsePoint Path today.

Your Information and How We Collect It:

Getting to Know You: We collect information from you when you interact with us in various ways. This includes when you contact us, register on our site, use our resources, buy tickets to our events, or chat with us via email or phone.

Personal Details: We might ask for your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, location, and when necessary, credit card information. This is what we call "Personal Information," and it helps us tailor our services just for you.

Cookies – Your Digital Companions:

Enhancing Your Experience: Like most websites, we use cookies. These little digital helpers enhance your experience, gather general visitor information, and track visits to our site. They're all about making your time with us smoother and more personalized.

Functionality Cookies: We only use functionality cookies, focusing on providing user conveniences like site preferences. They're anonymous and don't track your browsing activity across other websites. Your continued use of our website and resources implies your consent to these friendly cookies.

How We Use Your Personal Information:

For a Personal Touch: We use your information to personalize your experience, making sure our website feels like home to you.

Continuous Improvement: We're always looking to make things better, whether it's enhancing our website or ensuring you have uninterrupted access to our resources.Keeping You in the Loop: Expect correspondence from us as we keep you updated and provide the resources you've signed up for.

Safeguarding Your Information:

Your Privacy is Our Priority: We never sell, rent, or share your Personal Information without your consent, except to trusted third parties who help us run our website and services. And they're committed to respecting this Privacy Policy as well.

Top-Notch Security: We protect your Personal Information with various security measures like SSL technology and PCI Scanning. Think of it as a digital fortress around your details. Our data collection system is also in compliance with HIPPA.

In Compliance With the Law:

Lawful Sharing: Sometimes, we may need to share your Personal Information to comply with the law or protect our rights. But rest assured, we'll always consider your privacy first.

COPPA and CAN-SPAM Acts: We respect the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and don't collect information from anyone under 13. We also comply with the CAN-SPAM Act by ensuring all our information is honest and straightforward.

Opting Out and Your Rights:

It's Your Call: If you wish to opt out, simply let us know. We'll terminate your access to our resources and events, delete your profile and stored Personal Information, and respect your decision to step back.

Your Continued Consent: By using our website and resources, you're giving your implied consent to our Privacy Policy and the use of functionality cookies. But remember, you're always in control.

Thank You for Being Part of Our Community!

Your involvement with PulsePoint Path means the world to us. We're here to ensure your experience is not just safe and private but also enjoyable and empowering. If you have any questions or need to chat about your privacy, we're just a message away.

Reach Out Anytime:


Last Updated: 12/26/2023

Here's to a journey filled with trust, growth, and a commitment to keeping your personal information just that – personal. Welcome to the PulsePoint Path family!

Together, we can make a lasting impact in the world of healthcare!

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